United States Naval Academy
Class of 1957
This is the 1 October 2024 Edition (With Mods!) of our Class Web Site. We are rolling along in the 248th Year of our Independence and the 71st Year of our Association with Mother Bancroft.
I ask that all who have a recent photo or two, pass them along to me and I will publish all that are fit to print! I am hoping to experiment with video on the site. The first attempt will, likely, be amateurish but , hopefully, some of you will send me some video that will be a lot more professional.
What’s New (or Fairly New) in This Edition
There is a Progress Report of the efforts to publicize Jim Paulk’s recently published book, “Shaking Up The World” on the “Now Hear This!!” Page. Jim is very actively working to give the book wide notice and hopes that Classmates will join in on that project.
Planning for Reunion 68-70 is underway and our stalwart Reunion Organizers, Peter Junghans and Dan Cooper, have been busy working on the details. There is, on the Reunions Page, a flyer showing the schedule of events for 6-8 May 2025. Hoping to see as many of you as possible there to celebrate our anniversaries.
For a number of reasons the web site has been expanded to include a page devoted to recent obituaries of Classmates and Spouses. As notices of those deaths are received all available information will be published on this new page. Those notices will remain on the page for a reasonable time, likely until an Obituary is published in Shipmate. Information regarding services will continue to be published on the Deceased Classmates page.
Your Webmeister has again revised the Deceased Classmates section. The list of Deceased Classmates has gotten so long that it has become cumbersome to update and publish. Therefore I am dividing the Deceased List into two parts, both of which will list Deceased Classmates by Date of Death and Alphabetically. The main page, Deceased Classmates, provides a listing of any Memorial Services that are known to your WebMeister and a listing of Classmates who have passed since 1/1/2024. Next page under, Deceased Prior to 1/1/2024, contains such names, both by Date of Death and Alphabetically. A new page, Recent Obituaries, has been added to span the gap between first notification and the “Last Call” section of Shipmate. Following that is Deceased Classmates Who Died in Service that contains a link to a web site where all USNA grads who died while in service are honored. Finally, there is a page that contains information regarding future burials at Arlington and the Academy.
Our Veep, Bill Peerenboom, is responsible for, among other things, keeping our Class Deceased List current. Your WebMeister is currently maintaining the Master Deceased List. Please address any information that you might have on such matters to Bill and/or Charlie. The most accurate lists (By date of Death and Alphabetically) as known on 23 February 2024 can be found on the Deceased Classmates sub-page. Deaths since that date will be listed above those lists.
There is, on the Now Hear This page, a nice memoriam for Bruce DeMars, his careers, military and civilian. Many Thanks to Frank Parker for finding and sharing this interesting piece.
There is, on the "What We Do" page, reports on Classmate activities. Your WebMeister commends all who report and hopes for more of the same.
Your WebMeister implores all Classmates to write something down about your days on active duty or even afterwards and such will be published on that Sub-Page. No censoring once a story leaves your home!
Photos and Reports of Activities Wanted!!!
Your Class WebMeister continues to solicit photos from all of us doing any of those things that some of us are still capable of doing!! Few, if any, travels, activities, or gatherings are too inconsequential to be shared with the Class. The Web Site is a good place to do so.
Class Leadership
Why This Web Site?
The Class of 1957 Web Site provides information on special events, reunions and other items of general interest to the Class, those associated with the Class, and other interested persons. It is not restricted nor are there any membership requirements. Comments are welcome as are notes and papers of interest to Classmates that can be published on pages such as “Now Hear This!!”, “Class Events”, or “Reference Info”, depending on urgency and enduring nature of the information. Some information is published through links to PDF Files to provide a modicum of security/privacy. Other categories of information will be added as appropriate. Send in your suggestions to the Class WebMeister at [email protected].
Here is a good place to explain some protocols. Text in green and underlined indicates a link to some other location or function: an e-mail to the person named, a transfer to another page, or a command to download a file, usually in PDF format. One can navigate around the Web Site by using Browser tools or by clicking on the pages listed on the Sidebar. Some pages have sub-pages which will be revealed when the arrow to the left of the page title is clicked. Take your time and wander about to your heart’s content. The site content will be changed and updated from time-to-time.
Information of an urgent nature is passed to the Class by Pete Boyne using his E-Mail Lists of all Classmates except those who have opted out.
The Sidebar sections of the various pages will be used to display photos that might be of interest to the Class in general, or maybe portions thereof. These are not intended to be, and are likely not to be, works of art, although some will certainly pass that test.