
What We Do

Report of the Fourth Company's Newest Eagle Scout

Ed Mahon's Grandson was recently invested with the Boy Scout Rank of Eagle Scout. Walt Meukow and Fritz Warren of the Fighting Fourth memorialized the occasion in the name of the Fighting Fourth. The story goes like this:

Your WebmIeister received an e-mail from Loren Mahon, Ed's daughter:

"I am the daughter of Edward J. Mahon, class of '57. Both of my parents have passed now. My Dad died in 1983 shortly after his retirement. My 17 year old son never got to meet his grandpa but he has heard many stories and seen lots of pictures. Most people that knew my Dad remark how similar my son is in temperament. He is a good friend, a caring young man, and has a terrific sense of humor. He has just achieved his Eagle rank in Boy Scouts and will be celebrating his Court of Honor in December. I know Grandpa Ed would have been very proud of him. The Naval Academy no longer provides letters of commendation for Eagle scouts but I was wondering if there is a way he could receive a congratulatory letter from someone in his Grandfather's class? His name is Philip Bernard Sanfilippo III and our address is 351 Turkshead Lane, Redwood City, CA 94065. His court of Honor is December 21, 2014. My phone number is 650 245-2236. Thank you very much for your help. Please feel free to forward this request to whomever might be most able to help out."

Naturally, Webmeister passed the Buck onward and outward to Ed's Company Coordinator, Walt Meukow of the Fighting Fourth, who, by his own admission became the Stuckee. Walt enlisted the help of Ray Dove who drafted his daughter, Dawn, and Granddaughter, Kayla, and they came up with the very nice Commendation shown Below.

Mahon grandson eagle scout 2014 (2)

Fritz wrote a very fine Letter of Commendation and Congratulations that is reproduced below.

Letter of Commendation and Congratulations

For Philip Bernard Sanfilippo, on the occasion of becoming an Eagle Scout, in the Boy Scouts of America!

Dear Philip,

You have taken a giant step in your life by accomplishing your goal of attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. It has been my experience in life, that Scouts who accomplish all of the requirements to become an Eagle Scout, invariably excel in whatever they chose to do in their future lives. The discipline required to achieve the Eagle Scout rank, will, most probably, remain a part of your persona as you advance in other important milestones in your life.

We, classmates of your grandfather, Edward Joseph Mahon, Jr, can assure you that the manner which you are living your life, would have made him proud of you, as are we! As the father of two Eagle Scouts, I also know the importance of the encouragement and support that you have received from your mother - Loren.
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